Tuesday, October 30, 2018

The Weight of Despair

The sky is an endless abyss
Staring back at you
As you lay beyond the darkness
Overcome by sorrow

Eyes heavy, heart pacing
Limbs shaking, mind broken
Paralyzed by the same thing
That made you move

There was nothing wrong with faith
There was nothing wrong with trust
Lies everyone wishes to believe
Because faith only brings you pain

Swallowed by that darkness
You writhe, but you can't move
Shut your eyes and try to dream again
And just wish its a painless slumber

Sunday, October 21, 2018

To All The Friends I've lost and to those that Stuck Around

You, my flock from when things went to shit
You, who made suffering a game we had to play
You, the people I had called my own
You... whose heart I had broken

The passage of time had not been kind
The distance had made our knots come undone
It almost seems as if we were going to fall off
Yet we tether around this small string in the balance
And we're in a state of strange limbo

You, who I've mocked our work with together before
You, who made our career not as dull
You, my friends who all at once scattered
You... My brother whom I poured my heart out to

There was always a time limit to where things would end
We all knew things were dragging onto a toxic cloud
And though we were apart, there was still unity
At least, I hoped there was
But I was too weak to my own heart and fell into darkness

You, the last person I thought would be my friend
You, the last person I thought would care about me
You, the last person I thought dealt with the same issues as I did
You... my best friend

Decades made us grow weary
We, who have taken this journey together
Both separate, and then together once again
You people are my world
And without you, I'd be lost to my emptiness