Friday, November 13, 2020


I think this is my third time rebranding on this blog.
When I first started in college while I was writing short stories at the same time as my friend, EthelReker, my Username was Strange and Depressed (SaD) because my emo phase had just started to awakened. This then got bumped up to Thanos Venge as I started to get used to the norm of writing mostly because it was my current IGN, was obsessed with Revenge and Stun Guns and I had gotten knee deep into my emo and depressed stage with a deep desire to use my misery to fuel my drive to write.
But while my depression has far from actually vanished, my emo phase is I believe pretty much gone. I'm just a bummed out burn out who wants to try again a little. So in my current transition, I'll use my real IGN, MaxAxil, now and leave it at that.
Hello, adult me.

Where does that leave the namesake series of Thanos Venge? Well, that identity has become its own entity and may see its own rebranding.
Because honestly, as an adult? Thanos Venge sounds extremely silly to read when I went back over it and my old notes to see if I can return to where I was since the last time I tried to do it.