Wednesday, November 5, 2014

Paramore - The Only Exception

When I was younger I saw-
Err I meant, I didn't really like a lot of music.
In the past, I'd scavenge whatever good songs I heard from the radio(Or Glee) and just randomly add it to my MP3 player.
Come one summer time, and my life changes before me. I recall having the song Ignorance on my MP3 and the song Pressure from playing the Sims 2. So, in a state of boredom, I looked the band up and their music. I liked the songs after all, why not hear what the rest of them sound like? You know, that was the first time I had my touch with music. REAL music.
I mean, sure, most of my songs were either J-Rock or random at best, but when I learned about Paramore, it felt like a missing piece of me was found. So as I heard the melodies that constantly became my saving grace when I'm down in the dumps(Or in the mood to strangle), the band had a special place in my heart that would never cease to die. I used to name bands as my favorites solely on certain songs, like Keane per say, but thanks to Paramore(And a few pushes from friends) I learned of other good bands and my taste in music adapted(But mostly stuck to the Rock Genre. I WILL NOT CONFORM TO POP!!! EAT MY DUST BOY BANDS!). I now constantly listen and discover other great bands(Though none that should surpass Paramore's place) like I The Mighty, or Panic! At the Disco, or Our Last Night!
So what's all this whole declaration of love on all about? What's a Parawhore doing what they already do in broad daylight. So much so that it could(And probably has) start to annoy others?
That's the point.
Any other day, I'd declare my everlasting love for Paramore, but today's special.
Not only is this a thanks to the band, but also a reflection upon the people.
I enjoy the serene online presence of other Parawhores like myself, and I can understand them. But this part of this weird post is about how other fans seem to be (One of Those) Crazy Loons.
As another face in the crowd, I enjoy stalking the people I look up to in the internet. Twitter, Instagram, Whatever social site that's still alive these days. Then, I see feuds.
This wasn't very long ago, but it's been in the past.
Recently, Hayley Williams had noted the similarity of One Directions Song to one of New Found Glory's old songs. I already expected an enormous amount of rage coming in from the Directioners at that point. And so had Hayley, who had quickly posted a tweet about how she was probably going to be receiving hate from 1D's fanbase.
I don't want to reignite fires. This post is not about this 1D crap that went on. I'm just stating examples.
Again, this is about the fans.
I read comments(On youtube) How Hayley was causing trouble or how Paramore was talentless, and whatever dipshit those Directioners can dig up off their arses.
Then, there were those who rightfully defended Hayley and actually pointed out facts that Paramore wrote their own songs unlike 1D..
Back on topic, What I mean is how some people are so BIASED that they have to think of awful crap to throw at someone who was JUST STATING HER OPINION! She's a freaking person too, you know! What happened to freedom of speech?
Then it occurred to me how I was probably being biased for being a Parawhore and how I'm being a hypocrite to begin with.
Months ago, Justin Beiber had released a song We Were Born For This, which used (Stolen) fanart of Paramore's album, Riot! which had a song called Born for This(Which is totally awesome, btw). The day I found out, I took to twitter and facebook and started slamming Justin freaking Beiber with hastags.
Fans can be crazy sometimes, and that includes me. But theres a length to where you take your words and actions.
Every angry Parawhore the day they saw JB's stolen art had a reason to be angry. JB had(If unintentionally) ignited the wrath of a large fanbase. And it was justifiable.
Then, there's the crazies.
I saw some really awful words when I saw those comments in a Youtube video I found.
Like I said, these Directioners(Probably hormonal preteens or 12 year old girls, as one said) had spouted how Paramore sucked, or how Hayley was picking on "Their Boys" (*Shudder* Creepy fangirls and their creepy sexfictions are creepy) and how they were going to wait for her in hell.
She was just stating her opinion(Which also sounded like a fact, tbh. The two songs, DID sort of sound alike), Jeez. You shouldn't say awful things without giving it something to back it up. Though, you could say you don't like them because their songs aren't your taste. It's just, when you defend something you love, you don't throw dirt in others peoples eyes for it, lest stab someone. What proof do you have that your favorite band is the best? We're all going to be biased. People are going to pick sides.
But if you actually built up on observation and hard work, you'd know that Paramore had worked longer and harder for where they stand. They didn't rely on looks(As one said) and X-Factor(Another commentor). They worked for it with blood, sweat, and tears.
They've lost friends and they've made new ones.
They've been frustrated and they've made success.
Don't get me wrong. One Direction is popular and a very largely loved (Boy)Band, but sometimes we don't see eye to eye because sometimes we're stereotypes and cliches, and sometimes we're jamming to what we really love. We'll all be at an impasse, but please...
Lets take example of the peaceful fanbases out their.
And not just for bands.
I'll get into the whole SMT and Persona fans one day, but I want to make a point.
Whether you're a Parawhore like me,
Or a Belieber or Directioner like my a few of my friends,
Overcast Kids(Fall Out Boy) or Sinners(Panic! At the Disco)
Little Monsters, Selenators, or whatever the fuck you want,
Can't we be civil fans?
Can't we stop assaulting each other?
They're people too! They get to live their lives as much as WE do.
Can we only RAGE about things that DO matter?
And when we DO rage, can we not attack them or each other with facts we don't even know or care about?
We're hormonal, or we're really, really hooked up.
Lets just enjoy what we Love!
-Sincerely, a Concerned(And sometimes CRAZY) fan.

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